

noun: reverie; plural noun: reveries
~ a state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thoughts; a daydream
Welcome to my blog, Musings from the Reverie – a creative space where I hope to share some of the creative musings and thoughts that often swirl about in this crazy head and heart of mine. This blog is for my fellow day dreamers, and I hope it will grow into a space where I can share some of the many things that inspire and influence me daily- be it through avenues such as food, books, DIY home/art projects, music, travel, style, life realizations and more. My goal is that this blog may also spark newfound inspiration, insights and dreams within you, and encourage each and everyone of us to remember to see the beauty in everyday life and in all of the little moments and things, too. It’s my hope that this blog will drive forward continued passions and inspire each and every reader to dare to get lost in the mix of their thoughts, visions and dreams, and learn how to take what inspires them, and bring those things to fruition.

So with that, stay inspired & keep dreaming on, dreamers!

– Meg

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  1. Hi Meg, would you perhaps be interested in collab for your blog? I was not able to find any contact details here, so if you’re interested feel free to comment back and let me know!


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